Title: Sustarad Cartemia Joint Capsules: 3 Packs of 30 Capsules – Sachera-Med
English Description:
Sustarad Cartemia is a specially formulated, balanced complex of natural components in their native form. It offers significant restorative action on cartilage tissue, the articular surfaces of bone epiphyses, synovial fluid, and periarticular tissues. The mechanism of action of Sustarad’s natural components directly targets the root cause of joint and articular element damage, alleviating symptoms and associated changes. This natural joint supplement provides joint pain relief and supports joint health.
Sustarad Cartemia is recommended for:
- Degenerative-dystrophic joint disorders
- Joint damage caused by metabolic disorders
- Joint changes caused by inflammatory processes (inflammatory arthritis)
- Joint damage caused by diseases of other organs
- Joint damage caused by trauma
Sustarad Cartemia contains a patented Cartemia intensive complex of natural substances, extracted in their active form. This ensures maximum penetration into the joint capsule and direct restorative action on joint cartilage and bone epiphyses. It helps with cartilage regeneration and addresses osteoarthritis treatment and arthritis treatment.
This complex helps prevent cartilage malnutrition in young adults and prevents further degenerative cartilage changes and the development of osteoarthritis and related diseases. Sustarad Cartemia enhances the action of capsule components that combat the infectious destruction of cartilage. It addresses the causes and consequences of all types of infectious specific arthritis (tuberculous, brucellar, gonorrheal, syphilitic, dysenteric, pneumococcal, viral, septic, fungal), as well as psoriatic polyarthritis (psoriatic arthritis).
Sustarad Cartemia influences immune-mediated arthritis, regulating immune responses to altered joint and cartilage tissue. It provides comprehensive support for all types of cartilage damage: arthrosis, osteoarthritis, and arthritis, as well as bone tissue damage – osteoporosis (bone health). This natural remedies for arthritis approach targets the root cause of joint pain.
The unique native complex in Sustarad Cartemia compensates for:
- Cartilage tissue loss in arthrosis
- Synovial fluid deficiencies due to metabolic and endocrine disorders (synovial fluid)
- Impaired joint capillary blood supply
- Compromised joint barrier function due to infection and degeneration
- Bone tissue loss in osteoporosis
- Articular surface damage from friction and cartilage destruction
The native components of Sustarad Cartemia exhibit maximum penetration into the joint capsule, promoting:
- Synovial fluid restoration
- Reduced joint friction
- Pain relief (joint pain relief capsules)
- Prevention of bone spur growth (bone spurs)
Sustarad Cartemia also regulates endocrine function, helping to:
- Normalize hormone levels
- Prevent cartilage destruction caused by hormonal imbalances
- Prevent bone destruction caused by high blood sugar and thyroid dysfunction
Sustarad Cartemia® improves the qualitative composition of synovial fluid, enhancing its viscoelastic properties. This prevents friction between bone epiphyses. The supplement contains hyaluronic acid, a key component in supporting joint mobility.
Sustarad Cartemia uniquely prevents the main mechanisms of bone and joint destruction while promoting the regeneration of cartilage cells, bone epiphyseal surfaces, and synovial fluid. Maintaining the balance of viscoelastic properties in synovial fluid is crucial for effective joint capsule restoration. Imbalance leads to cartilage depletion, bone exposure, bone spur formation, and increased pain. This process ultimately results in joint deformation and impaired mobility.
Sustarad Cartemia contains a readily absorbed, native form of hyaluronic acid – a key component of synovial fluid – enhanced by natural anti-inflammatory and restorative components. This natural joint supplement offers a comprehensive approach to degenerative joint disease.