Title: JN Nutriceutical PROJECT V Junior Hit: Growth & Energy for Kids (60 Capsules)
Support your child’s healthy growth and development with JN Nutriceutical PROJECT V Junior Hit, a comprehensive vitamin and mineral complex. This specialized formula provides essential nutrients for optimal growth, boosting cognitive and physical activity, strengthening the immune system, and promoting overall well-being. It helps prevent overexertion and overstimulation, fostering a balanced and energetic child.
Each capsule contains 20mg of potent orange extract, contributing to improved metabolic processes, enhanced brain function, immune support, and inflammation reduction with regular use.
Key Ingredients & Benefits:
- Orange Extract: Powerful antioxidant, immune system booster, protection against common colds.
- Beta-Carotene: Prevents vision decline, supports cell growth and differentiation, improves concentration, strengthens the immune system, promotes healthy teeth and bones.
- Vitamin D3: Supports nervous system and brain function, enhances cognitive abilities, promotes healthy blood formation, regulates metabolic processes, reduces the risk of autoimmune diseases.
- B Vitamins: Ensures normal nervous system function, supports digestive health, enhances stress resistance, aids in the treatment of anemia, neurological, and psychiatric disorders.
- Zinc: Powerful immunomodulator, improves brain function, strengthens tooth enamel, elevates mood, supports sharp vision and sense of smell.
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