Title: DA IRON Fumarate & Chelate: Superior Iron Absorption with Vitamin C
DA IRON Fumarate & Chelate offers superior iron absorption with a unique blend of highly bioavailable iron fumarate and iron bisglycinate chelate, enhanced by Vitamin C. Iron is crucial for hemoglobin production and oxygen transport, but standard iron supplements often have low bioavailability. Our advanced formula maximizes iron uptake, providing gentle yet effective support. Iron fumarate offers easy digestibility, while iron bisglycinate, a chelated form, ensures smooth gastrointestinal transit. Vitamin C further boosts iron absorption and acts as a powerful antioxidant, supporting your immune system and overall well-being. Choose DA IRON Fumarate & Chelate for optimal iron levels and sustained energy. Recommended dosage: 1 capsule daily for men, 2 capsules daily for women (including pregnant and breastfeeding). Take before meals or between meals. Use for one month, and extend as needed.