Title: Iron with B Vitamins: Supplement for Hair, Heart, and Vascular Health (60 Capsules)
HealthIs Iron is a comprehensive vitamin complex designed to prevent and correct iron deficiency. This specialized formula ensures efficient iron absorption, normalizes hemoglobin levels, promotes healthy blood formation, and supports the treatment and prevention of anemia. HealthIs Iron tablets meet the highest standards of modern medicine, offering a safe level of easily absorbable ferrous iron. The formula includes a comprehensive B vitamin complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6) to support erythropoiesis, along with Vitamin C. Furthermore, these iron tablets contribute to the regulation of thyroid function, crucial for both adults and children. Suitable for both men and women, this multivitamin complex is particularly recommended for women aged 45-60 experiencing menopause, a time when iron levels often decline. HealthIs Iron supports cardiovascular health and nervous system function. As iron deficiency is a common cause of hair loss, this supplement can also help promote hair growth and thickness. Available in 60 capsules of 0.45g each.