NameNavy Yunona Bio-T Ag. Type of drugMedical device. Organs and systems Reproductive system. PurposeNon-hormonal contraception. Indications for use The desire of a woman to protect herself from pregnancy. Treatment and prevention of Asherman’s syndrome. As a postcoital means, the IUD can be inserted within 3-4 days after unprotected intercourse. Contraindications Indications for removal The IUD can be removed on any day of the menstrual cycle at the request of the woman. Be sure to remove the IUD after the end of the period of use. In the absence of confidence in the correct location of the IUD immediately after the introduction, it is advisable to remove the contraceptive and introduce a new contraceptive. The contraceptive should be removed with the development of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic cavity (endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis, etc.); persistent violations of the menstrual cycle; the development of anemia; partial expulsion of the IUD; severe pain syndrome associated with the presence of an IUD in the uterine cavity; during pregnancy against the background of the IUD (the question of prolonging the pregnancy after the removal of the IUD is decided individually, the patient should be informed that the risk of spontaneous abortion in the presence of an IUD in the uterine cavity increases to 50%). CompositionCompleteness: – Naval Forces (installed in the tube); – a tube; – piston; – limiter (installed on the tube); – sterilization (final) packaging; – manual; – secondary packaging. Dosage and administration Recommended timing for the introduction of the IUD is any day of the menstrual cycle (preferably from 4 to 19 days); immediately after an uncomplicated medical abortion performed by vacuum aspiration or curettage; at the end of the involution of the uterus (5 – 6 weeks after uncomplicated childbirth), incl. against the background of lactational amenorrhea; immediately after the removal of the IUD, the period of use of which has expired, if the woman wishes to continue intrauterine contraception; for the purpose of postcoital contraception – 3-4 days after unprotected intercourse. Pharmacological action A distinctive feature of this contraceptive is the provision of constant, optimal, regardless of the size of the uterus, efforts at the points of contact between the IUD and the uterine mucosa, which ensures versatility – the possibility of using this contraceptive for any woman. The anchor of the intrauterine contraceptive is made of plastic. Anchor shape – T-shaped. A bimetallic copper-silver wire with a nominal active surface area of 380 mm2 (copper purity – not less than 99.98%, silver content not less than 9.3%) is wound on the vertical rod of the anchor, and a monofilament thread is fixed to control the location and removal of the contraceptive . X-ray and ultrasound contrast is ensured by the presence of a bimetallic copper-silver wire on the rod. The method of introducing the IUD “Juno Bio-T Ag” – the “withdrawal” method, the diameter of the graduated tube-conductor is 3.9 mm. The duration of contraception is no more than 7 years. Sterilization gas. Release formIntrauterine spiral. Method of application/introductionIntracavitary. Minimum age of application is 18 years old. Storage conditions IUD storage conditions in the manufacturer’s packaging according to group 1 (L) according to GOST 15150 at a distance of at least 1 m from heating devices. During storage, IUD boxes should be stacked at a height of at least 0.25 m from the floor. Use during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated. Special instructions The patient should be familiar with the advantages, disadvantages and possible complications of the method of intrauterine contraception. Examination of the patient before the introduction of the IUD (the scope of the examination of the patient before the introduction of the IUD is regulated by national medical protocols and may vary in different countries): clinical examination; bacterioscopic analysis of vaginal smears; Pap smear (smear for oncocytological examination). Buy Intrauterine device Juno Bio-T Ag Price for Intrauterine device Juno Bio-T AgInstruction for use for Intrauterine device Juno Bio-T Ag
The code | 1093 |
Barcode | 4 811 379 000 050 |
Manufacturer | Simurg MP CJSC Vitebsk, Belarus |
Scope of application | Contraception |
Indications Applications | The desire of a woman to protect herself from pregnancy; Treatment and prevention of Asherman's syndrome; As a postcoital IUD, it can be inserted within 3-4 days after unprotected intercourse |
Age category | 18+ |
Application Gender | Female |
Release Form | Intrauterine spiral |
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