DescriptionThe Yunona Bio Multi Ag intrauterine device has an anchor shape, with small protrusions on the shoulders. The spiral is constructed from environmentally friendly plastic wrapped with copper-silver wire (area 380 mm2), which affects the high level of contraception, protects the spiral from breakage and makes it visible to ultrasound and X-ray machines. The Juno Bio Multi Ag contraceptive is manufactured to a high level of quality, where pure copper (purity 99.98) and silver (purity 9.3%) were used in the design. The service life of this IUD is at least seven years. The Yunona Bio Multi Ag intrauterine device is a Belarusian product from the Simurg medical enterprise, which is recommended by specialists from many developed countries. The anchor of the intrauterine contraceptive is made of plastic, copper wire, silver core, monofilament thread. Indications for use • The desire of a woman to protect herself from pregnancy; •Treatment and prevention of Asherman’s syndrome. • As a postcoital means, the IUD can be inserted within 3-4 days after unprotected intercourse. – bleeding for no reason; – if there is the slightest suspicion of pregnancy; – cervical cancer. Relative contraindications – cases when you can not use the IUD before a woman undergoes a thorough examination by a doctor, and until her tests are in perfect order: – Inflammation of the cervix, dysbacteriosis, infections, colpitis; – uterine bleeding; – if the menstrual cycle lasts more than 6 days; – severe pain during the menstrual cycle; – the mucous membrane of the uterus is more than normal; – congenital deformity of the uterus; – if the woman had an ectopic pregnancy in the past; – blood diseases; – frequent inflammatory diseases; – Allergy to the composition of the IUD. Side effects No information available. Method of preparation or application The introduction of the IUD can only be installed by a specially trained doctor. The device must be inserted into the uterine cavity under aseptic conditions to avoid bacteria entering the uterine cavity. If there is a high risk of endocarditis (inflammation of the inner lining of the heart), antibiotics should be given before IUD insertion, but it is best not to use an IUD in these women. The IUD insertion technique is slightly different from conventional IUD insertion due to the larger diameter of the device, which is due to the presence of a reservoir with LNG. Therefore, dilation of the cervical canal and local anesthesia are sometimes required. This IUD can be inserted at any time of the menstrual cycle (MC), after an artificial abortion in the first trimester (immediately after surgery) in the absence of infection. After childbirth, the IUD is recommended to be inserted no earlier than 6 weeks. The first control examination is carried out after 1 month, then after 3 months and then 1 time per year. Removal Usually, removal of an IUD is easiest if done at the end of the menstrual cycle and done by a doctor or a specially trained nurse. At the same time, the threads of the spiral are captured with tweezers and gently pulling on them, the spiral is removed. “Loss of the coil” is a situation where the woman herself cannot find the threads of the coil during a routine check and the doctor does not see them during the examination. In this situation, the spiral is removed either using a special device, or they try to hook it with tweezers through the cervix. In rare cases, such attempts are unsuccessful, ultrasound is required and the exclusion of perforation of the spiral into the abdominal cavity, or its imperceptible loss, is required. Very rarely, a hysteroscopy is required. Storage conditionsKeep dry. Keep out of the reach of children. Buy Juno Bio Multi-Ag Intrauterine Device Price for Juno Bio Multi-Ag Intrauterine Device
The code | 57552 |
Barcode | 4 811 379 000 371 |
Manufacturer | Simurg MP CJSC Vitebsk, Belarus |
Scope of application | Contraception |
Indications Applications | The desire of a woman to protect herself from pregnancy; treatment and prevention of Asherman's syndrome; as a postcoital remedy |
Contraindications | Inflammation of the genital organs; bleeding for no reason; if there is the slightest suspicion of pregnancy; cervical cancer |
Age category | 18+ |
Application Gender | Female |
Release Form | Spiral |
Composition Means | The anchor of the intrauterine contraceptive is made of plastic, copper wire, silver core, monofilament thread |