Title: Ingrown Toenail Correctors (12-Pack)
These ingrown toenail correctors provide gentle yet effective relief from painful ingrown toenails. Designed to prevent further ingrowth and reduce inflammation, these easy-to-use pads are suitable for all nail sizes. Use them with confidence in saunas and pools. Made with hypoallergenic materials to British standards, they gradually redirect the nail back to its natural position, eliminating pain and discomfort during walking.
Key Features:
- Easy Application: Simple and straightforward to use.
- Universal Fit: Suitable for all nail sizes.
- Water-Resistant: Use in saunas, pools, and showers.
- Hypoallergenic: Made from high-quality, hypoallergenic materials.
- Pain Relief: Reduces pain and discomfort associated with ingrown toenails.
- Effective Correction: Gently redirects the nail for long-term relief.
- 12 Pads per Pack: Provides ample treatment for multiple nails.
Avoid use if you have an infected nail bed or known allergy to the materials. View our instructional video for proper application.
Package Contents:
1 x 5g jar (containing 12 pads)
ingrown toenail, ingrown toenail corrector, ingrown toenail treatment, ingrown toenail pads, ingrown toenail relief, ingrown nail correction, ingrown nail treatment, ingrown nail pads, nail corrector, toenail corrector, ingrown nail, foot care, pedicure, hypoallergenic, pain relief, 12 pack