Title: Icelandic Moss (Fermented Lichen) for Immunity & Respiratory Health – 50g
Icelandic moss (Cetraria islandica), a key ingredient in many chest remedies, offers a multitude of health benefits. Traditionally used as a decoction to stimulate appetite, regulate gastrointestinal function (particularly in cases of atonic stomach), and alleviate upper respiratory tract ailments, it acts as a tonic and general health booster. Externally, Icelandic moss decoctions are applied as washes and compresses for treating purulent wounds, ulcers, furunculosis, and burns. It’s also used to create rich jellies and kissels when combined with berry juices. Contraindications are currently unknown. However, consultation with a herbalist is recommended.
Instructions for Preparing an Icelandic Moss Decoction:
- Ingredients: 1 tablespoon Icelandic moss, 500ml water.
- Preparation: Pour cold water over the Icelandic moss. Bring to a boil over low heat. Remove from heat and steep for 2 hours. Strain before use.
- Usage: Drink the entire decoction in small sips throughout the day to support bronchitis and whooping cough treatment. Always follow instructions carefully.
Icelandic moss, Cetraria islandica, fermented lichen, immunity booster, respiratory health, bronchitis, whooping cough, cough remedy, herbal remedy, natural remedy, gastrointestinal health, appetite stimulant, wound healing, ulcer treatment, skin health, 50g, decoction, preparation instructions, benefits, uses.