Title: Icelandic Moss (Cetraria islandica) for Cough Relief & Immune Support – 100g Altai
Icelandic moss (Cetraria islandica), sourced from the pristine Altai region, offers a unique blend of nature’s healing properties. This remarkable lichen is a symbiotic organism, a complex structure where fungal filaments intricately weave around algae. This symbiotic relationship allows for a rich concentration of beneficial compounds. For centuries, traditional medicine in Norway, Sweden, and Iceland has utilized Icelandic moss to treat coughs and colds, leveraging its potent immune-boosting capabilities. Historical texts document its use in wound healing and burn treatment.
Icelandic moss boasts an impressive composition: approximately 70% mucilage, which soothes irritated respiratory tracts; organic acids, providing natural antibacterial action; and unique sodium compounds historically used to combat tuberculosis. Furthermore, it is a rich source of enzymes, iodine, various vitamins, and aromatic compounds, all contributing to its overall health-promoting properties. Experience the natural power of Icelandic moss for effective cough relief and enhanced immune function. Our 100g package provides ample supply for optimal health benefits.