Title: Icelandic Moss (Cetraria Islandica) – 60g Pyramid Tea Bags for Cough Relief
Icelandic moss (Cetraria islandica) offers natural cough relief by effectively expelling phlegm from the lungs, easing breathing, and boosting immunity. This powerful immunomodulator is ideal for supporting the body during and after antibiotic treatment. Historically used to treat pneumonia, whooping cough, and pleurisy, Icelandic moss contains components that combat tuberculosis bacteria. Its benefits extend beyond respiratory health, offering potential relief for skin conditions like psoriasis, dermatitis, allergies, and burns. The moss’s mucilage soothes the digestive system, promoting healthy bowel movements and alleviating gastrointestinal issues like gastritis and stomach ulcers. It also supports gum health and the repair of mucosal membranes. Rich in vitamins (particularly B vitamins), minerals, carbohydrates, and retinoids, Icelandic moss provides a holistic approach to well-being. Consult your doctor before use.