Homosporin M Forte 400ml: Gut Health Metabiotic from BashInkom
Homosporin M Forte is an innovative, universal metabiotic dietary supplement from BashInkom, combining concentrated metabolites of Bacillus subtilis 3Н probiotic bacteria with the prebiotic arabinogalactan. Its active metabolites, including natural antibiotic substances and enzymes:
- Suppress the growth of pathogens and reduce the aggressiveness and overgrowth of opportunistic microorganisms.
- Normalize digestion.
- Correct intestinal dysbiosis.
- Strengthen the immune system.
Arabinogalactan prebiotic additionally:
- Exhibits hepatoprotective action.
- Provides favorable conditions for the growth of normal gut microbiota.
- Improves intestinal peristalsis and promotes the rapid removal of toxins and food allergens.
This gut health supplement is best stored refrigerated throughout the course of use, even after opening. Do not draw Homosporin from a syringe. Forte has a neutral, woody taste. Lacto and Bifidum variants have a slightly sour taste; sediment and foam upon shaking are permissible.
Product Variations:
- Homosporin M Forte 400ml – Art. 1554936670
- Homosporin M Forte 100ml – Art. 1554936722
- Homosporin Lacto 400ml – Art. 1554936702
- Homosporin Lacto 100ml – Art. 1554936653
- Homosporin Bifidum 400ml – Art. 1554936645
- Homosporin Bifidum 100ml – Art. 1554936737
Keywords: Homosporin M Forte, Homosporin Lacto, Homosporin Bifidum, metabiotic, probiotic, prebiotic, Bacillus subtilis, arabinogalactan, gut health, digestive health, intestinal dysbiosis, immune support, hepatoprotective, BashInkom, dietary supplement, 400ml, 100ml, gut microbiota, food allergens, toxins, natural antibiotic, enzymes.