Title: Himalaya Karella: Blood Sugar Support Supplement (60 Tablets)
Himalaya Karella (Bitter Melon) Supplement helps maintain healthy blood and urine sugar levels. Its unique formula works by suppressing the neural response to sweet taste stimuli, contributing to effective blood sugar regulation. Known for its potent blood-purifying properties, Karella contains a polypeptide similar to bovine insulin, supporting pancreatic and liver health. Its detoxifying action promotes healthy skin, aids digestion, and supports natural metabolism. A powerful detoxifier, Karella also helps maintain healthy triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the liver and blood, contributing to overall immune system support. Karella’s effectiveness stems from a synergistic blend of three key components: steroid saponins (harantin), insulin-like peptides, and alkaloids, all working together to promote balanced blood sugar levels. Experience the natural blood sugar support of Himalaya Karella.