Title: Hepamarin: Marine Phospholipids for Liver Support, Antioxidant & Hepatoprotective with Omega-3, Vitamins & Amino Acids (120 Capsules)
Hepamarin for Liver Health harnesses the power of salmon liver, a rich source of phospholipids, Omega-3 fatty acids, peptides, and essential amino acids (proline, alanine, leucine, taurine). It’s fortified with Vitamins A, D, E, K, C, and B vitamins, along with vital minerals. Marine-derived phospholipids boast superior bioavailability compared to plant-based alternatives, promoting optimal liver function. Hepamarin supports:
- Normalized Liver Function: Improves hepatocyte enzymatic activity, lipid metabolism (including cholesterol and neutral fats), protein metabolism, and detoxification processes. It also helps slow the formation of connective tissue in the liver.
- Healthy Bile Composition: Provides valuable bile acids that aid in dissolving gallstones, lowering cholesterol, and improving bile composition.
- Cellular Protection & Regeneration: Safeguards and restores liver cells.
- Cholesterol Management: Helps control cholesterol levels.
Dosage: Adults take 2 capsules twice daily with meals. Minimum course: 15 days. These capsules are titanium dioxide-free and Halal certified.