Title: Hedgehog Massage Balls (Set of 2, Yellow & Green, 8.5cm Diameter) by Alpina Plast
Engage your little one’s senses with this delightful set of Hedgehog massage balls from Alpina Plast! Perfect for babies and toddlers (6 months+), these soft, textured balls offer a fun and stimulating playtime experience at home or in daycare. Made from eco-friendly, safe, and durable materials, these 8.5cm diameter balls promote:
- Improved hand-eye coordination and reaction time: Fun games and activities encourage dexterity and quick thinking.
- Enhanced tactile and color perception: The unique hedgehog texture and bright yellow and green colors stimulate sensory development.
- Fine motor skill development: Squeezing, rolling, and manipulating the balls strengthens little hands.
- Bath time fun: These waterproof balls add an extra element of enjoyment to bath time!
Give your child the gift of playful learning with Alpina Plast Hedgehog Massage Balls.