Title: Carich Warming Neck Patches for Pain Relief & Circulation
Description: Experience soothing warmth and relief with Carich Warming Neck Patches. Each pack contains 4 patches infused with natural ingredients to alleviate pain, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation.
Product Features:
- Targeted Pain Relief: A powerful blend of mugwort essential oil, safflower extract, motherwort, angelica root, and ginger works synergistically to soothe aching muscles and reduce pain.
- Enhanced Blood Circulation: The warming action of cinnamon essential oil and sea salt promotes relaxation and improves blood flow to the neck and shoulders, easing tension and stiffness.
- Anti-Inflammatory Action: Safflower extract, a known anti-inflammatory agent, helps to reduce swelling and irritation.
Key Ingredients:
Mugwort essential oil, safflower extract, motherwort, angelica root, ginger, sea salt, frankincense essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, iron powder, activated charcoal.
SEO Keywords:
Carich warming neck patches, neck pain relief patches, muscle pain relief, warming patches, circulation improvement, anti-inflammatory patches, mugwort oil, safflower extract, ginger, cinnamon oil, sea salt, natural pain relief, herbal pain relief, pain relief patches, neck pain, shoulder pain, muscle stiffness, improved blood circulation, heat patches, self-heating patches.