Title: Three-Color Violet Herb (25g) – Azbuka Trav
Three-color violet (Viola tricolor) herb, from Azbuka Trav, is a traditional remedy known for its expectorant, diuretic, and diaphoretic properties. It stimulates bronchial secretions, thinning mucus to ease expectoration. This herb also promotes urinary and sweat excretion, improves metabolism in skin conditions, and offers anti-inflammatory and anti-scrofulous effects. Traditionally used for coughs and other respiratory ailments, it’s also applied in baths for children with scrofula, and to treat various skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and itching. Further traditional uses include relieving constipation, addressing urinary tract infections (cystitis), promoting urination, and supporting management of arteriosclerosis, rheumatism, and gout. This 25g package provides a convenient supply of this versatile herbal remedy.