Title: Ardial: Heartbeat Support for Cardiovascular Health
Description: Ardial’s active components support cardiovascular health by: preventing cardiovascular disease, normalizing heart rhythm, improving tissue oxygenation, and stimulating protein synthesis to inhibit myocardial degeneration. It counteracts atherosclerosis by inhibiting cholesterol synthesis and stabilizing cell membranes, normalizing capillary permeability. Ardial possesses antioxidant properties and enhances the body’s adaptive capabilities. Hawthorn extract provides antiarrhythmic, cardiotonic, hypotensive, anti-atherosclerotic, spasmolytic, and antioxidant effects, improving coronary and cerebral blood flow while lowering blood pressure. It strengthens heart contractions (cardiotonic effect) while reducing excitability, promoting a normalized heart rhythm. Dihydromyricetin, a natural bioflavonoid from Dahurian or Siberian larch, surpasses existing comparable preparations in antioxidant and capillary-protective activity by 3-5 times. It reduces blood viscosity, increases vascular and capillary strength and elasticity, and normalizes vascular permeability.