Title: Hawthorn Flower Tea: Lower Blood Pressure & Cleanse Your Vessels Naturally
Description: Hawthorn flower tea supports healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular function. It enhances myocardial contractility, reduces excitability, lowers cholesterol, improves coronary and cerebral blood flow, and increases myocardial sensitivity to cardiac glycosides, helping to lower heart rate. Hawthorn flowers also reduce central nervous system excitability, dilate peripheral and internal organ vessels, alleviate arrhythmia, mildly lower blood pressure, increase lecithin levels, and normalize blood clotting. Its hypotensive and spasmolytic effects are stronger than those of hawthorn berries. Explore our extensive collection of high-quality herbal teas, including loose leaf and convenient tea bags, syrups, and new phyto-tablets from “Bashkirian Herbs.” We offer a wide range of options for digestive health, respiratory support, joint health, detoxification, and weight management. Our products, made with love and care, make thoughtful and healthy gifts. Experience the unique taste and aroma, boost your immunity, and revitalize your body naturally.