Title: GRASS DESO C9 70% Alcohol-Based Hand & Surface Antiseptic (5L)
Description: GRASS DESO C9 is a powerful 70% alcohol-based disinfectant, ideal for hygienic hand treatment, small surface areas, and instruments. As a hand antiseptic, apply 3ml and rub thoroughly for 30 seconds. For surfaces, wipe with a cloth or spray until fully saturated. This unscented formula offers broad-spectrum efficacy, killing bacteria (including tuberculosis mycobacteria), viruses, and fungi, providing long-lasting antimicrobial protection. 5-liter container. Product code: 550055.
Keywords: Alcohol-based antiseptic, hand sanitizer, surface disinfectant, 70% alcohol, GRASS DESO C9, disinfectant liquid, 5 liters, 5L, antimicrobial, bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal, tuberculosis, mycobacteria, broad-spectrum, unscented, 550055, hand hygiene, surface hygiene, disinfection, cleaning, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal.