Title: Hallux Valgus Bunion Corrector with Toe Separator (2 Pack)
Experience comfortable relief from bunion pain and discomfort with our Hallux Valgus Bunion Corrector with Toe Separator. This simple yet effective solution gently prevents the overlapping of your big and second toes, protecting your bunion from further inflammation and pain.
Unlike other protectors, our unique design features a securely fixed toe separator integrated into a soft, comfortable fabric base. This ensures the corrector stays in place, providing reliable support without shifting or falling out during wear. The separator helps maintain proper toe alignment, promoting healing and reducing pain and inflammation.
Made from durable, breathable textile and medical-grade silicone, this corrector offers long-lasting comfort and support. Its dimensions are 10cm (L) x 7.5cm (W) x 0.2cm (H), and it’s designed to comfortably fit any foot size. Enjoy greater mobility and freedom from bunion pain – rediscover the joy of comfortable movement. This pack includes two correctors.