Title: KDL 20G (0.9 x 20mm) Huber Needle with Extension Set (3 Pack)
These KDL 20G (0.9 x 20mm) Huber needles with wings are designed for long-term infusion (up to 5 days), fluid and medication administration, and blood sampling and transfusion via implantable ports. Their sharp point and high-quality construction ensure precise and painless drug delivery. Each needle features:
- Gauge: 20G
- Length: 20mm
- Diameter: 0.9mm
- Latex and Phthalate Free: Ensuring patient safety.
- Convenient One-Handed Use: Extension tubing with secure clamp.
- Sterile Packaging: Individually packaged for hygiene.
This pack contains 3 needles. Manufactured by KDL (China). Registration Certificate: РЗН 2020/11696 (17.08.2020). Ideal for healthcare professionals requiring reliable and comfortable access to implanted ports.