Title: Huber Needle 20G (0.9mm) x 20mm with Wings and Infusion Line
Enhanced Description:
Experience seamless access with the Huber Needle 20G (0.9mm) x 20mm, featuring a specially designed atraumatic tip for gentle insertion and minimal membrane damage. This winged needle ensures secure fixation, ideal for continuous or long-term drug delivery, whether for chemotherapy, anesthesia administration, parenteral nutrition, or blood transfusions. The integrated infusion line facilitates effortless medication administration.
Designed for reliable performance, the Huber Needle boasts:
- Atraumatic Tip: Minimizes membrane damage for comfortable insertion and reduced patient discomfort.
- Secure Winged Design: Provides stable fixation, essential for prolonged infusions.
- Integrated Infusion Line: Enables smooth and efficient drug delivery.
- Sterile and Individually Packaged: Maintains sterility and ensures single-use hygiene.
- Color-Coded (Yellow): For quick and easy identification.
- Specifications: 20G (0.9mm outer diameter), 20mm length. Ch (Fr) size: 20.
This Huber needle is a single-use, disposable device perfect for various applications requiring prolonged access, including:
- Blood sampling
- Solution transfusions
- Chemotherapy administration
- Anesthesia delivery
Choose the Huber Needle 20G for superior performance and patient comfort in your medical procedures.
Huber needle, 20G needle, 0.9mm needle, 20mm needle, winged needle, infusion line, atraumatic needle, chemotherapy needle, anesthesia needle, parenteral nutrition needle, blood transfusion needle, long-term access, single-use needle, sterile needle, medical needle, butterfly needle, 20G butterfly needle, yellow coded needle, Ch 20 needle.