Title: Guan Jie Keli Joint Concentrate (3 Packs) – Traditional Chinese Medicine Relief
Guan Jie Keli Joint Concentrate offers powerful relief from joint pain and discomfort associated with musculoskeletal conditions. Providing soothing, dry warmth to knees, elbows, lower back, and neck, it envelops the body in gentle care.
For TCM Professionals:
This formula dispels cold and dampness from meridians, expels wind, and restores the flow of Qi and blood.
- Joint pain aggravated by cold or overexertion
- Feeling of heaviness, coldness, and restricted mobility in joints
- Pain radiating beyond the affected joint
- Morning stiffness in the neck and lower back
- Proneness to edema (swelling)
- Aching in joints and muscles following physical activity or exercise
3 x 100g packs
Guan Jie Keli, joint pain relief, joint pain, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, musculoskeletal pain, TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi, blood circulation, cold, dampness, wind, joint stiffness, swelling, edema, muscle pain, back pain, neck pain, knee pain, elbow pain, 100g, 3 packs, Li West