Title: Gua Sha Facial Massage Set: Calcite & Serpentine for Lifting & De-Puffing
Description: This luxurious Gua Sha facial massage set, featuring a roller and a Gua Sha tool crafted from calming calcite and energizing serpentine, is your secret weapon for radiant, youthful skin. Gently massage your face and décolletage to reduce puffiness, minimize wrinkles, and lift and tone your skin. The unique shape of the Gua Sha tool is especially effective at targeting dark circles under the eyes. Simply cleanse your face, apply your favorite serum or oil, and follow the massage lines with gentle pressure for 3 repetitions. For an extra invigorating experience, chill the tools in the refrigerator; for relaxation, warm them under warm water. Experience the transformative power of natural stone and achieve a visibly firmer, more radiant complexion.
Product Details
- Dimensions: 14 x 20 cm
- Weight: [Insert Weight Here]
- Materials: Calcite, Serpentine
- Care Instructions: [Insert Care Instructions Here]
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