Title: Disposable Shoe Covers – Standard Green (50 Pairs)
Description: High-quality, standard disposable shoe covers manufactured in Russia. These single-elastic, smooth shoe covers are a popular choice for various settings, including medical facilities, gyms, schools, and clinics. Green in color, they measure 40×14 cm with a density of 20 microns and weigh 2.8 grams per pair. Each package contains 50 pairs (100 pieces). Please note that a +/- 10% deviation from stated parameters is acceptable.
Keywords: disposable shoe covers, shoe covers, disposable booties, medical shoe covers, green shoe covers, single-elastic shoe covers, 50 pairs shoe covers, bulk shoe covers, Russian-made shoe covers, standard shoe covers, 20 micron shoe covers, 40×14 cm shoe covers, disposable foot covers, shoe protectors, medical supplies, hygiene supplies, clinic supplies, gym supplies, school supplies.