Title: Green Herb Warming Balm Duo: Centella & Ginger for Sprains & Bruises (2 x 20g)
Experience the soothing power of Green Herb’s dual-action warming balm duo, expertly formulated to alleviate pain and discomfort from sprains, bruises, and muscle aches. This Thai herbal remedy combines the potent benefits of Centella Asiatica (Klinakantum Nutan) and ginger for targeted relief.
Green Balm (Centella Asiatica):
This soothing green balm, featuring Centella Asiatica, a key ingredient in traditional Eastern medicine, effectively reduces pain, improves circulation, calms irritated skin, and eases tension. Ideal for massage, it promotes muscle relaxation and helps alleviate the discomfort of sprains. Its anti-inflammatory properties also make it beneficial for conditions like rheumatism and other joint inflammation.
Yellow Balm (Ginger):
Our invigorating yellow balm, infused with ginger, targets muscle tension, fatigue, and pain. This herbal blend improves blood flow and offers localized pain relief, anti-inflammatory, and anti-swelling properties. Perfect for rubbing into muscles and joints, it’s effective for sprains, headaches, backaches, and bruises. Unlike many warming balms, it provides a cooling sensation without burning. It also soothes insect bites, reducing itching, pain, and swelling.
Versatile Applications:
Green Herb balms are ideal for warming up muscles before exercise, enhancing therapeutic massage, and easing cold symptoms. Their soothing properties can also alleviate respiratory discomfort.
Key Ingredient Benefits:
- Centella Asiatica (Klinakantum Nutan): Known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it treats various skin conditions, including inflammation, allergies, eczema, shingles, and psoriasis. It soothes irritation and reduces skin inflammation.
- Ginger Oil: Enhances cellular activity, stimulates circulation, and provides soothing warmth for joint and muscle pain. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, it nourishes muscle cells, promotes growth hormone production, improves coordination, accelerates cell regeneration, and aids collagen formation.
- Camphor Oil: Powerful antibacterial agent, combats inflammation and acne, preventing breakouts. It boosts tissue function, accelerates metabolism, and helps eliminate toxins.
- Eucalyptus Oil: Relieves pain and tension, detoxifies, promotes regeneration, protects against inflammation and irritation, tones the skin, and prevents skin problems.
- Menthol: Cools, refreshes, and tones the skin, stimulating blood flow, improving metabolism, and balancing skin flora.
This convenient duo (2 x 20g) provides a complete solution for muscle and joint discomfort, making it an essential addition to any first-aid kit or sports bag.