Title: Disposable Green Polyethylene Shoe Covers (70 Count) – ARCHDALE
Description: These durable, heavy-duty disposable shoe covers from ARCHDALE offer superior protection and convenience. Each pack contains 70 shoe covers (35 pairs) made from 20µm thick, high-quality low-density polyethylene (LDPE) for exceptional tear and puncture resistance. The reliable machine-welded seams and securely integrated elastic band ensure a snug, comfortable fit that won’t slip or tear, even with extended use. Registered as medical-grade apparel, these covers are ideal for maintaining hygiene in various settings, including medical facilities, schools, offices, beauty salons, food processing plants, and more. The non-slip design provides reliable protection against spills and contamination. Available in a range of colors (black, orange, green, yellow, blue, red, pink, and purple) and pack sizes (50, 70, and 100). Choose ARCHDALE for reliable, cost-effective hygiene solutions.