Title: Gepogloss Immobilization Splint (46x96mm) – Lightweight, Portable, & Reusable
Description: The Gepogloss 46x96mm immobilization splint is a lightweight, portable solution for quickly immobilizing finger fractures and injuries in emergency situations where professional medical help is unavailable. Ideal for self- and mutual aid in field, home, and travel settings. Its key features include:
- Ultralightweight (5g): Easily fits in any first-aid kit.
- Compact & Reusable: Ready for immediate use.
- X-ray Translucent: Allows for clear diagnostic imaging.
- Insulating: Retains body heat for added comfort.
- Weather Resistant: Maintains its properties in extreme temperatures.
- Waterproof & Hygienic: Repels water, dirt, and odors; easily cleaned and disinfected.
- Soft & Comfortable: Ensures comfortable long-term wear.
- Adjustable Size: Easily trimmed to fit with ordinary scissors.
The Gepogloss splint (“Pocket Plaster”) is a registered medical device manufactured in the Russian Federation. Essential for military, tactical, vehicle, and home first-aid kits.