Title: Florabron Cough Syrup: Natural Relief for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Bronchitis & Phlegm (100ml)
Florabron Cough Syrup is a natural and effective mucolytic syrup formulated with a unique blend of 13 herbal extracts. This dietary supplement provides comprehensive support for respiratory health by offering anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and mucolytic actions. Rich in glycyrrhizic acid, flavonoids, tannins, bitters, saponins, essential oils, polysaccharides, vitamins, and macro- and micro-elements, Florabron contributes to healthy metabolic processes. It’s a valuable source of vitamins C, A, B6, B1, E, and PP, along with flavonoids. Florabron improves the functional state of the bronchopulmonary system, offering gentle relief from both dry and wet coughs. Its soothing properties help to soften coughs and ease breathing. Recommended for:
- Acute respiratory conditions: pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis
- Chronic respiratory conditions: Supports long-term respiratory health management.
- Occupational respiratory issues: such as “lecturer’s laryngitis” and similar voice strain conditions.
- Immune system support: Contributes to overall immune well-being.
This 100ml bottle provides a convenient and natural way to manage cough symptoms and support respiratory health.