Title: Finnish-Made 6% Hydrogen Peroxide – 15 Liter Bulk Supply
Enhanced Product Description
This listing features a 15-liter bulk supply of high-quality 6% hydrogen peroxide, proudly manufactured in Finland. Unlike many other brands, our product is completely free of sodium benzoate and organic stabilizers, ensuring a pure and effective disinfectant.
Our hydrogen peroxide is a powerful, versatile solution ideal for a wide range of disinfection needs. It’s highly effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria, including those responsible for common intestinal and upper respiratory infections. It’s also proven effective against viruses and coronaviruses when used on hard surfaces.
- Household disinfection: Effectively sanitizes frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, light switches, countertops, telephones, and more.
- Commercial disinfection: Suitable for use in businesses and other settings requiring rigorous hygiene standards.
- First Aid (Consult a medical professional): While traditionally used for minor wound cleansing (consult a medical professional for appropriate use and safety), its primary function here is surface disinfection.
Key Features
- Purity: Free from sodium benzoate and organic stabilizers.
- Efficacy: Powerful disinfectant against a wide range of viruses and bacteria.
- Volume: Cost-effective 15-liter bulk supply.
- Origin: Manufactured in Finland, known for its high-quality standards.
Store in the original, sealed container in a dark, cool, and inaccessible place, away from food and medications.
While hydrogen peroxide is a common disinfectant, always follow safety precautions and consult a healthcare professional for any medical concerns or before using it for wound care. This product is intended for surface disinfection.