Title: Grade F Filter Paper (GOST 12026-76) – 1000x840mm, 75gsm, for Physiotherapy & Labs
High-quality Grade F filter paper, conforming to GOST 12026-76, ideal for physiotherapy and laboratory applications. Each sheet measures 1000x840mm and weighs 75gsm. This filter paper is treated with synthetic resin (acetone and alcohol-based solutions), providing exceptional resistance to moisture, high temperatures, chemicals, and mechanical stress.
While Grade F offers medium filtration speed, the GOST 12026-76 standard encompasses a range of filter paper grades: FOB (very fast), FB (fast), FS (medium), and FM (slow). Grade F’s versatility makes it a popular choice in physiotherapy (e.g., electrophoresis) and various laboratory settings. It’s also used in the manufacturing of filters for medical equipment. This single sheet provides a cost-effective solution for individual needs or small-scale applications.