Title: Filorosso Black Compression Socks – 20-30 mmHg, 2 Pair
Description: Experience superior support and comfort with Filorosso’s Class 2 compression socks. Providing 20-30 mmHg of graduated compression, these socks are clinically proven to alleviate symptoms associated with varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Ideal for post-sclerotherapy recovery, these socks offer effective prophylaxis against DVT and promote healthy blood circulation. Perfect for those with demanding jobs requiring prolonged standing or walking, athletes, frequent travelers, or anyone experiencing leg fatigue, swelling, or post-traumatic complications. These men’s compression socks provide relief from symptoms of arthritis, arthrosis, and significantly reduce the risk of thromboembolism pre- and post-surgery. For optimal effectiveness, put them on in the morning on rested legs, gently pulling them up from the foot and heel to avoid bunching.