Title: Filipendula ulmaria (Meadowsweet) Extract – 50g (25 x 2g Sachets) – Antioxidant, Adaptogen, Hepatoprotective Support
Filipendula ulmaria, also known as Meadowsweet, is a powerful herbal extract rich in a complex of minerals and biologically active substances including polysaccharides and flavonoids. Its medicinal properties stem from high concentrations of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), tannins, salicylic acid, and its derivatives. Meadowsweet boasts a wide range of benefits, acting as an antioxidant, adaptogen, cardioprotective agent, hepatoprotective agent, capillary strengthener, and anti-inflammatory, offering overall health support.
Modern scientific research highlights Meadowsweet’s exceptional ability to improve cerebral blood flow, acting as a preventative measure against atherosclerosis and stroke. Furthermore, it enhances metabolic processes within the lens of the eye, helping to prevent or slow the progression of cataracts. It supports healthy lipid metabolism, positively impacts blood vessel health, and improves microcirculation throughout the body.
Store in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, at temperatures not exceeding 30°C.
Shelf Life:
2 years.
50g (25 sachets of 2g each).
Filipendula ulmaria, Meadowsweet, extract, herbal remedy, antioxidant, adaptogen, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, capillary strengthener, anti-inflammatory, atherosclerosis prevention, stroke prevention, cataract prevention, improved blood circulation, healthy lipid metabolism, 50g, 25 sachets, 2g sachets, herbal supplement, natural remedy, brain health, cardiovascular health, eye health.