Title: Sokol Eye Balm: Enhance Vision & Protect Eye Health
Description: Sokol Eye Balm is a natural remedy supporting eye health and vision. It helps prevent eye diseases, effectively addresses inflammation, corneal clouding, and conjunctivitis. Experience improved visual acuity, particularly in low-light conditions. This balm reduces eye fatigue and irritation, strengthens blood vessels (including those in the retina), and improves blood circulation to the eyes. Sokol Eye Balm lowers intraocular pressure, boasts potent antioxidant properties to combat free radical damage, offers antimicrobial action, and promotes faster healing. For adults, take 2 tablespoons (30ml) three times daily, mixed into tea, water, or other beverages. Use for one month. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, diabetic, or have allergies.