Title: Estilodeze Concentrate Disinfectant – 1L Universal Solution for Healthcare, Beauty, & Public Spaces
Estilodeze Concentrate is a powerful, yet gentle, universal disinfectant ideal for a wide range of applications in healthcare facilities, beauty salons, public areas, and more. This highly concentrated formula effectively disinfects surfaces of all materials, including equipment (combs, brushes, scissors, medical instruments), clothing, linen, and waste (including single-use items) and cleaning tools. Its unique formulation combines quaternary ammonium compounds (14±1.5%), polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride (PHMG) (2,5±0,25%), and synergistic additives including corrosion inhibitors and surfactants. With a pH of 6.0±1.0 and a hazard class of 4, Estilodeze is exceptionally economical, replacing 5-10 bottles of other disinfectants. It’s gentle on treated surfaces, preventing discoloration, organic residue buildup, and metal corrosion. Experience superior disinfection with Estilodeze Concentrate.