Title: Ergoforma Compression Stockings – Dark Beige, 0 Compression Class
Ergoforma 102 preventive compression stockings offer gentle support for everyday wear. Made in Italy with a blend of 82% polyamide and 18% elastane, these dark beige stockings feature a closed toe and graduated compression (100% at the ankle, 70% at the mid-calf, 40% at the thigh). Ideal for active women, these stockings are recommended for individuals with a genetic predisposition to chronic venous insufficiency, those with sedentary jobs, frequent air travel, pregnancy (in the absence of venous insufficiency), overweight individuals, flat feet, or those engaging in strenuous physical activity. Ergoforma, a leading Russian brand, provides superior quality at an affordable price. Maintain therapeutic compression for up to 3 months with proper care. These stockings meet all Russian Ministry of Health certifications. See size chart in the second image. Choose Ergoforma for comfort, support, and style.
Ergoforma, compression stockings, compression tights, dark beige stockings, 0 compression class, preventive compression stockings, anti-varicose stockings, thrombosis prevention, anti-edema stockings, graduated compression, polyamide, elastane, Italian quality, affordable compression stockings, women’s health, pregnancy support, sedentary lifestyle, air travel, flat feet, sports support, Russian Ministry of Health certified.