Title: Epllan 100 Wounds Sterile Antiseptic Wipes from VPK Argo
English Description:
Epllan 100 Wounds sterile antiseptic wipes from VPK Argo provide simultaneous antimicrobial, bactericidal, bacteriostatic, wound-healing, regenerative, analgesic, and protective action. Hypoallergenic and atraumatic, these compact wipes are easy to use and adhere well to wound surfaces of any configuration.
- First Aid: Treatment of minor wounds, burns (I, II, and III degree, including chemical burns), abrasions, contusions, and other traumatic skin injuries. Provides effective pain and swelling relief.
- Wound Care: Effective in treating various stages of wound healing, including purulent-inflammatory skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases of diverse etiology and location. Helps prevent secondary infection and significantly reduces healing time compared to traditional methods.
- Extreme Temperatures: Suitable for use in extreme temperatures (-40°C to +50°C).
- Alternative Treatment: A viable option for individuals with allergies or sensitivities to other medications (e.g., Levomekol, Levosin).
- Insect Bites: Relieves swelling and itching from insect bites (mosquitoes, wasps, bees).
- Skin Conditions: Effective in treating various skin conditions such as dermatitis (various etiologies), acne vulgaris, microbial eczema, pressure sores, ulcers, herpes, warts, and condylomata.
- Aseptic Skin Treatment: Provides aseptic skin preparation and eliminates vegetative microorganisms, including fungi.
- Environmental Protection: Protects skin from harsh environmental conditions, preventing frostbite, chapping, and roughening. Ideal for pre-exposure protection against environmental elements.
- Chemical Protection: Protects skin from chemical burns caused by contact with acids, alkalis, lubricants, household chemicals, paints, and other hazardous substances.
Application Instructions:
For minor injuries (first and second-degree burns up to 10% of body surface area, small wounds, minor contusions, cuts, abrasions, chafing, cracks, and foot injuries): Apply the wipe to the affected area and repeat as needed until fully healed.
For larger injuries (burns up to 10% body surface area, all wound stages): After debridement and antiseptic treatment (using Epllan 100 Wounds wipe), apply an Epllan 100 Wounds wipe to the wound, cover with a sterile dressing, and secure with a bandage. Change dressings daily initially, then adjust frequency based on wound condition.
For purulent-necrotic wounds, pressure sores, etc.: After antiseptic treatment (using Epllan 100 Wounds wipe), apply an Epllan 100 Wounds wipe and secure with a light dressing. Change dressings daily or every other day based on wound condition.
For chemical burns (caused by vapors, aerosols, solids, or liquids): Rinse the affected area with water, blot with a clean cloth, and apply Epllan 100 Wounds wipe. Cover with a fresh wipe and secure with a light dressing. Change dressings daily or every other day based on wound condition.
Important Notes:
- If other antiseptics are unavailable, Epllan 100 Wounds wipes can be used for initial wound cleansing.
- Multiple wipes may be used as needed.
- Epllan 100 Wounds dressings are atraumatic and do not adhere to wounds during dressing changes.