Title: Enzymedica Candidase: Digestive Enzymes for Yeast Balance (42 Capsules)
Restore your energy and support optimal immune and digestive function with Enzymedica Candidase. This powerful enzyme blend helps maintain a healthy gut microbiome by targeting yeast overgrowth. Candidase features a unique dual-enzyme system: Cellulase breaks down yeast cell walls, while Protease digests internal proteins. This gentle approach promotes a healthy balance without the harsh discomfort often associated with cleansing. Formulated with Thera-blend® technology – a proprietary blend of multiple enzyme strains active across a wide pH range for superior effectiveness – Candidase offers comprehensive support for balanced yeast levels and improved digestion. Non-GMO, vegan, kosher (K-Parve) certified. Supports digestive health, healthy gut flora, and prevents cleansing discomfort.