Title: Enterolactis Duo: Probiotic + Prebiotic Synbiotic Sachets (20 x 5g)
Enterolactis Duo is a powerful synbiotic combining live, human-origin probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei DG I-1572 DSM 34154 (L. casei DG) with prebiotic inulin. This unique formulation offers comprehensive gut health support.
Benefits of Enterolactis Duo:
- Restores Gut Microbiome Balance: Effectively repopulates the gut with beneficial bacteria, addressing imbalances caused by antibiotics, diet, or other factors. Beneficial for conditions like diverticular disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
- Relieves Constipation: Stimulates bowel movements, providing relief from chronic constipation.
- Reduces Antibiotic Side Effects: Minimizes digestive discomfort (bloating and constipation) often associated with antibiotic use.
- Enhances H. pylori Eradication: Improves the effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori treatments.
- Strengthens Gut Immunity: Supports a healthy gut barrier and overall immune function.
Key Features of L. casei DG:
- Human-Origin Strain: Ensures optimal colonization and long-term effectiveness within the gut.
- Acid & Bile Resistant: Survives stomach acid and bile salts, reaching the intestines alive.
- Adheres to Intestinal Walls: Promotes effective colonization and beneficial effects.
- High Growth Potential: Rapidly multiplies and establishes a healthy gut flora.
- Lyophilized for Stability: Maintains high viability and doesn’t require special storage conditions.
Prebiotic Inulin:
Each Enterolactis Duo sachet contains 4g of inulin, a soluble fiber that reaches the large intestine intact, promoting regular bowel movements and increasing stool bulk.
Who Should Use Enterolactis Duo?
Enterolactis Duo is ideal for individuals experiencing:
- Chronic constipation
- Gut microbiome imbalances (dysbiosis)
- Antibiotic-associated diarrhea or constipation
- Diverticular disease
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Enterolactis Duo is a high-quality synbiotic providing a clinically studied strain of probiotics for effective and lasting gut health support. Each box contains 20 convenient 5g sachets.
Enterolactis Duo, synbiotic, probiotic, prebiotic, L. casei DG, Lactobacillus paracasei, inulin, gut health, microbiome, constipation relief, IBS, diverticular disease, antibiotic side effects, H. pylori, immune support, gut barrier, digestive health, dietary supplement, sachets, 20 sachets, 5g sachets, human origin probiotic, acid resistant probiotic, bile resistant probiotic