Title: Enoant Syrup: Crimean Cabernet Sauvignon Grape Polyphenol Concentrate – Powerful Antioxidant & Health Booster (250ml)
Enoant is a non-alcoholic, liquid food concentrate of total grape polyphenols from organically grown Crimean Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. Made from grape skins and seeds, this deep garnet-colored syrup boasts a tart taste and a rich wine aroma. It’s an ecologically pure, natural dietary product with exceptionally high antioxidant activity.
Enoant’s potent antioxidant properties stem from its rich concentration of grape polyphenols, including flavonoids (anthocyanins, quercetin, rutin, catechins, epicatechin, leucoanthocyanins, procyanidins, tannins) and non-flavonoids (gallic and ellagic acids, resveratrol, caffeic, protocatechuic, and ellagic acids). Instrumental assessments reveal Enoant’s antioxidant activity is 15 times higher than ascorbic acid and three orders of magnitude greater than that of blood plasma.
A single 250ml bottle of Enoant contains the equivalent polyphenol content of 5-6 liters of Cabernet Sauvignon red wine, but without the alcohol. This means it delivers the full spectrum of polyphenols and micronutrients found in Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, making it significantly more effective than red wine. Unlike many imported antioxidant supplements, Enoant surpasses them all in bioavailability and effectiveness due to its complete polyphenol and micronutrient profile.
Unlike fresh grapes where polyphenols are poorly absorbed, Enoant provides these beneficial compounds in a readily bioavailable form. While 300-500ml of red wine daily provides antioxidants, alcohol is unsuitable for many. Enoant offers a superior alcohol-free alternative with 20 times the polyphenol concentration, making it ideal for pregnant women, children, health-conscious individuals, and those seeking a gluten-free option. It’s not a dietary supplement or vitamin.
Enoant is recommended for:
- Cancer patients and radiation sickness prevention
- Various intoxications, including medication-induced (chemotherapy, anesthesia, antibiotics, etc.)
- Atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, cardiovascular diseases
- Respiratory illnesses
- Endocrine disorders
- Systemic connective tissue diseases (rheumatism, arthritis)
- Skin conditions, particularly loss of elasticity (dermatoses, calluses, cracked heels, keloid scars, age spots); also beneficial in cosmetology for improved skin elasticity
- Immunodeficiencies, allergies
- Dysbacteriosis
- Inflammatory processes
Enoant makes a thoughtful and healthy gift for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, birthdays, holidays, or any special occasion. A perfect present for Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, your spouse, or a friend.