Title: Orto TKN-201 Knee Support: Elastic, 50% Wool, Size S
The Orto TKN-201 knee support provides gentle yet effective support and warmth. Made with a blend of 50% natural wool for superior comfort and a warming, micromassage effect, this elastic, circular knee brace offers reliable stabilization and relief. Ideal for:
- Post-operative and post-injury rehabilitation: Provides crucial support during the recovery process.
- Osteoarthritis (Degenerative Joint Disease): Offers pain relief and joint stability.
- Hypermobility and mild knee instability: Helps stabilize the joint and reduce discomfort.
- Injury prevention: Provides support during physical activity and sports to minimize the risk of injury.
This breathable, comfortable knee brace is perfect for daily wear and active individuals alike. Choose size S for a precise fit.