Title: Elastic Eyeglass Retainer – Bright Green – Unisex & Kids
Description: This vibrant bright green elastic eyeglass strap is perfect for men, women, and children. Made with a soft textile exterior over a durable rubber core, this stretchy cord provides a comfortable and secure fit. The 64cm (25.2″) strap stretches to an impressive 1.5 meters (59″) – see video for demonstration! Secure, opaque bright green silicone tips ensure your glasses stay put. Available in a range of colors including black, red, pink, blue, light blue, yellow, brown, and more. Choose your preferred color from the main product image. Shop our wide selection of eyeglass chains and cords – from short and long, to metal, rubber, and various premium styles, to find the perfect fit for you. Visit our store, “Energy of Health Store,” below to explore the full collection.