Title: Ecoten PO-20/1 Abdominal Post-Surgical Support Belt with Extra Compression (Size M, Waist 83-100cm)
The Ecoten PO-20/1 abdominal post-surgical support belt provides superior support and compression for a faster recovery. Designed with an extra compression strap, this size M belt (waist 83-100cm) is ideal for various post-operative needs.
- Post-operative support following all types of abdominal surgery
- Post-Cesarean section recovery
- Prevention of post-surgical wound separation
- Prevention and management of abdominal hernias (including hernias of the linea alba)
- Added support for abdominal surgeries requiring increased compression due to elevated intra-abdominal pressure
- Post-liposuction support (abdomen, back, and other areas)
- Weakness of the anterior abdominal wall
- Ostomy support (materials are resistant to cutting for stoma openings)
- Postpartum support to aid in regaining abdominal muscle tone
Key Features:
- 20cm height with an additional compression strap for customizable support and pressure management (ideal for elevated intra-abdominal pressure requiring increased wound support and fixation).
- 100% cotton panels directly over surgical sites for gentle, breathable comfort.
- Plastic anti-twist inserts maintain shape and support even during increased activity.
- Anatomical design for a comfortable, discreet fit under clothing.
- Durable materials resistant to cutting for ostomy use.