Title: Dragon Eye Flying Swallow Laxative Herbal Tea (20 Tea Bags)
Flying Swallow Dragon Eye herbal tea is a potent source of flavonoids and anthraquinones, gently promoting regularity and supporting weight management. This 20-count tea bag pack cleanses the digestive system, aids digestion, and eliminates toxins. Known in China as the ideal “body sweeper,” this blend features flavonoids (40mg/bag, as rutin), anthraquinones (13.75mg/bag), and caffeine (3.9mg/bag). Each tea bag contains a carefully selected blend of Chinese tea, lingonberry, Poria cocos, Cassia tora, and immature mandarin peel, offering a synergistic blend of natural compounds. This unique combination provides a transparent, pleasant-tasting brew.
Steep 1-2 tea bags in 200ml of boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Adults should consume one cup (1-2 tea bags) daily with the evening meal. Use for up to one month, followed by a 5-day break after every 10 days of use.
Active Ingredients & Benefits:
- Chinese Tea: Rich in essential oils, polyphenols (tannins), flavonoids, vitamins (C, B1, B2, K, PP), minerals, pectin, and organic acids (citric, succinic, oxalic, malic, etc.).
- Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea): Provides additional antioxidants and nutrients.
- Poria Cocos (Wolfiporia extensa): Traditionally used in Chinese medicine as a diuretic, tonic, and mild sedative. Helpful for reducing edema.
- Cassia Tora (Senna): Known for its gentle laxative properties.
- Immature Mandarin Peel: Contains essential oils and flavonoids, promoting digestive health and liver function.
This herbal tea provides concentrated levels of bioactive compounds, including flavonoids, essential oils, tannins, triterpene and flavone glycosides, and saponins – also found in foods like dill, caraway, cardamom, citrus fruits, apples, berries, spinach, green tea, etc. However, the concentration in Flying Swallow Dragon Eye tea is significantly higher.
Important Note:
Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Individual intolerance to ingredients is possible. Each box contains 20 individually wrapped 3.0g tea bags. Product appearance may vary from the image shown. Packaged in a sturdy opaque pouch.
Dragon Eye Tea, Flying Swallow Tea, Laxative Tea, Herbal Tea, Weight Management Tea, Digestive Health, Detox Tea, Chinese Herbal Tea, Flavonoids, Anthraquinones, Cassia Tora, Poria Cocos, Lingonberry, Mandarin Peel, Weight Loss Tea, Gut Health, Regularity, 20 Tea Bags, Dietary Supplement, Natural Laxative, Chinese Medicine.