Title: DP-2T Enhanced Chlorine Tablets (200 Count, 1 kg) – Fast-Dissolving Disinfectant
DP-2T Enhanced Chlorine Tablets offer a powerful and effective disinfection solution for a wide range of applications. Each 5g tablet contains 1.50-1.92g of active chlorine, derived from trichloroisocyanuric acid (40%) and excipients. These fast-dissolving tablets create clear solutions with a characteristic chlorine odor. Formulated in accordance with Rospor-trebnadzor recommendations for combating coronavirus infection, DP-2T Enhanced is ideal for preventative and reactive disinfection.
Broad-Spectrum Disinfectant:
DP-2T Enhanced exhibits potent antimicrobial activity against:
- Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria: Including Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium terrae.
- Viruses: Encompassing enteroviruses (polio, Coxsackie, ECHO), enteral and parenteral hepatitis viruses, HIV, influenza (including avian influenza H5N1), other respiratory viruses (ORV), herpes, cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, and more.
- Fungi: Including Candida and Trichophyton species.
Versatile Applications:
DP-2T Enhanced is suitable for use in:
- Healthcare Settings: Hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, laboratories, blood banks.
- Commercial Facilities: Hotels, hostels, salons (hair, spa, beauty), tanning salons, bathhouses, laundries, public restrooms.
- Public Spaces: Cinemas, offices, sports complexes, swimming pools.
- Food Service: Restaurants, cafes, canteens, bars, food markets.
- Educational Institutions: Preschools, schools, colleges, universities.
- Correctional & Military Facilities: Prisons, barracks.
- Pharmaceutical & Biotech: Cleanroom environments (Classes C & D) for non-sterile drug manufacturing.
Product Specifications:
- Tablet Weight: 5g
- Active Chlorine Content: 1.50-1.92g per tablet
- Tablet Count: 200
- Total Weight: 1 kg
- Packaging: A resealable polymer container.
- Shelf Life: 3 years (working solutions are effective for 24 hours).
- Manufacturer: AltayKhimia LLC, Russia (Recipient of the Dezreestr Optima Award 2013, 10 years in the market).
DP-2T Enhanced, chlorine tablets, disinfectant, antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, bacteria, virus, fungus, fast-dissolving, healthcare, commercial, industrial, food service, educational, Trichloroisocyanuric acid, active chlorine, Rospor-trebnadzor, AltayKhimia, Russia, 200 tablets, 1kg, disinfection tablets, cleaning tablets, water purification tablets, pool disinfectant, sanitizing tablets.