Dolphin Nasal Wash: Adult Formula, 30 Sachets (2g Each)
Dolphin is a convenient nasal wash system designed for adults, effectively removing viruses, bacteria, and allergens through thorough, volumetric rinsing. Each box contains 30 sachets (2g each), providing approximately 7 liters of wash solution.
- Prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI)
- Acute and chronic rhinitis (including allergic rhinitis)
- Sinusitis (maxillary sinusitis)
- Ethmoiditis
- Frontal sinusitis
- Pre-operative nasal cavity preparation
Dolphin is safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Acute otitis media and exacerbations of chronic otitis media
- Individual intolerance to the components of the wash solution
- Frequent nosebleeds
- Nasal cavity neoplasms
- Complete nasal obstruction
- Adenoid vegetations of grade III or higher
- Age under 4 years
Instructions for Use:
- Check Nasal Passages: Ensure your nasal passages are clear. If blocked, clear them first by blowing your nose or using a decongestant.
- Prepare Solution: Empty the contents of one sachet into the Dolphin bottle.
- Add Water: Add water at 36-37°C (97-99°F) to the fill line and mix thoroughly.
- Rinse One Nostril: Tilt your head so your face is parallel to the floor. Firmly place the bottle nozzle against your left nostril. Open your mouth slightly. Slowly and gently squeeze the bottle until the solution flows out of your right nostril. Keep your face parallel to the floor throughout the process. Once the flow stops, remove the bottle without releasing the pressure.
- Clear Excess Fluid: Release the pressure on the bottle. Blow your nose gently with your mouth slightly open. Repeat the process for the other nostril, alternating until the bottle is empty.
- Remove Residual Solution: Once the bottle is empty, squeeze the empty bottle, inhale deeply, and hold your breath with your mouth closed. Place the nozzle against your right nostril, holding your left nostril closed. Release the pressure on the bottle. This will remove any remaining solution. Repeat for the left nostril.
Dolphin, nasal wash, saline rinse, sinus rinse, sinusitis relief, rhinitis treatment, allergy relief, nasal congestion, cold remedy, flu prevention, pregnancy safe, breastfeeding safe, adult nasal wash, 30 sachets, 2g sachets, nasal irrigation, sinus infection treatment, ethmoiditis treatment, frontal sinusitis treatment, maxillary sinusitis treatment, pre-operative nasal preparation.