Title: Disposable Arm Sleeves – 50 Count (25 Pairs) – Heavy-Duty White Polyethylene Protective Sleeves for Medical, Food Service, & More
Protect your hands from contamination with these heavy-duty, disposable arm sleeves. Made from low-density polyethylene, these versatile sleeves offer superior durability, hygiene, and eco-friendliness. Their robust construction shields against splashes, dirt, and harmful substances, including paints and toxins. The comfortable fit ensures secure, all-day protection without restricting movement. Ideal for a wide range of applications, including:
- Medical Professionals: Hospitals, clinics, and healthcare settings
- Food Service: Restaurants, kitchens, and food processing plants
- Beauty & Wellness: Salons, spas, and tattoo studios
- Industrial Settings: Manufacturing, laboratories, and chemical plants
- Art & Crafts: Painting, crafting, and other messy activities
Each pack contains 25 pairs (50 sleeves) of 15-micron thick, white polyethylene sleeves, measuring 40 x 22 cm. These disposable arm sleeves provide reliable protection and convenience for various professional and personal uses.