Title: Diacont Test Strips #1 (50 Strips/Pack)
Description: Diacont blood glucose test strips (50 strips/pack) are designed for accurate blood sugar monitoring in individuals with diabetes. Compatible exclusively with Diacont glucose monitoring systems, these strips are ideal for both home self-testing and clinical use by healthcare professionals. Key features include single-use design with layered enzyme application for minimized measurement errors, code-free operation with automatic blood sample draw, and a control field to ensure sufficient blood volume. Diacont strips boast 98.2% accuracy within ± 0.65 mmol/L of the YSI 2300 analyzer (< 5.55 mmol/L) and ± 15% at ≥ 5.55 mmol/L. Compatible with Diacont, Diacont Compact, and Diacont Voice glucose meters. Use within 180 days of opening; 24-month shelf life. Manufactured by OK Biotech Co., Ltd., Taiwan. These strips are for in-vitro diagnostic use only and are not intended for diagnosing diabetes or testing newborn glucose levels.