Title: Devisol Vitamin D3 Drops for Babies & Children – 10ml, High-Quality Finnish Supplement
Devisol Vitamin D3 Drops are a high-quality, hypoallergenic, natural vitamin D3 supplement from Finland, perfect for infants and children. These tasteless, colorless, and odorless oil-based drops are easily absorbed and can be added to cool drinks or food. Recommended by pediatricians in Norway and Finland, Devisol supports healthy bone and tooth development, strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of colds, and promotes cognitive development (memory and speech), helping prevent rickets. As part of a comprehensive vitamin regimen, Devisol can improve concentration, information retention, and regulate carbohydrate metabolism. This Finnish Vitamin D3 supplement effectively addresses vitamin D deficiencies, maintaining optimal levels year-round. Devisol is sugar-free, and contains no artificial flavors, colors, or other additives. The recommended daily dose is 5 drops (10 mcg/400 IU) for both children and adults (prophylactic). For treatment of vitamin D deficiency, consult your doctor to determine the appropriate dosage. A 10ml bottle contains approximately 66 doses, providing a 2-month supply. Once opened, store in the refrigerator for up to three months.