Deteaco Liver Detox: 2-Stage Herbal Blend for Liver Cleansing & Bile Flow
Deteaco Liver Detox is a 20-day, 2-stage herbal blend designed for effective liver cleansing and improved bile production and flow. This powerful combination of herbal extracts works in two phases: a 10-day choleretic phase followed by a 10-day liver detoxification phase. Each stage targets specific liver functions to support overall health and well-being. Experience the benefits of improved digestion, reduced inflammation, and enhanced detoxification with this 100% natural, additive-free formula (no added sugars, colors, flavors, GMOs). Detailed instructions and dietary recommendations are included. Note: This product is not a specialized food, dietary supplement, or medicine. Deteaco – comprehensive body cleansing!
liver detox, liver cleanse, herbal liver cleanse, bile flow, choleretic, detoxification, liver support, herbal blend, natural remedy, Deteaco, 2-stage detox, 20-day detox, healthy liver, improved digestion, bile production, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, organic, GMO-free, additive-free, natural ingredients, body cleansing, liver health, gut health, holistic health.